Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summertime - time

Where oh where does the time go?  It's coming down to the end of July and I feel like summer has just begun.  We did have a mighty cool, rainy spring so perhaps that's what has made the summer seem so short to me. 

Here in Brookline summer is time for gardening, swimming in the West River (or some other favorite swimming hole), bicycling and festivals. Oh my, festivals, there are so many.

Some of the coming fests "in the 'hood" are just around the corner.  Jamaica has "old home days" with all sorts of doings this weekend.  

Next, on August 6th, is Grace Cottage Hospital's Fair Days up in Townshend - an auction, parade of anyone born at the hospital, a tag sale, plant sale, pony rides, music and a barbeque - what more could anyone want?

The following weekend is the Windham County History Fair  on the  Newfane Common on August 13th - both the Brookline Round Schoolhouse and the Historic Brookline Church will have a tent there. Raffle tickets for the finished 2011 "Moonlight in Vermont" quilt will be for sale  and the quilt will be on display. Oh, and there will be lots of crafts demos and other historical organizations there too.

On August 28th, the last Sunday in August, is the 3rd Annual Sunflower Festival, right here in Brookline.  There will be food, music, face painting, the quilt raffle - of course - vendors and a silent auction and who knows what else... 

And that takes us to the end of August!  With all these festivals, and warm summer weather to enjoy, no wonder why I'm not busy blogging.  But before I sign off, here's a picture of the finished 2011 quilt in all it glory!

Come on out to a fair and see the actual quilt for yourself!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tag sale tomorrow!

Has been awhile since I've posted a thing, so I'm back briefly.  Long enough to note, there's a big town-wide Tag Sale in Newfane tomorrow (Sat - July 2).  The Historic Brookline Church Preservation group will be there with lots of stuff to sell to raise funds for the building AND the quilt will be on display!  Raffle tickets for sale too - of course.

That's it for tonight - will put up some longer news in the coming week.