Thursday, May 19, 2011

There's a whole lot 'a Moonlight in Vermont

Oh my gosh - where did the past two weeks go?  If time flies when you're having fun, I must be having a lot of it.  Writing this blog has taken a bit of a backseat to weaving and gardening, and so I've got some catching up to do I suppose.  

I seem to remember I promised to share the Moonlight in Vermont quilts from years' past in my last post, so without further ado, here is a gallery of quilts beginning in 2000, and some of the quilters that have stitched them:

Wait, I know  - where is the Moonlight in the 2000 quilt?  The first Moonlight in Vermont quilt was stitched in 2001, but I included the quilt from 2000 above even though it doesn't fit the theme. It was a beauty.

 Here's the first of the series          

 And some details.

Two more years above - very similar borders, but not exactly the same.

 Here are some of the 2004 quilters at work.

Are you able to see some of the differences from year to year?  Hard to get the detail on the internet, but I hope some of the detail and variations are visible.

And finally, years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010:

I have a feeling I missed 2002.  Well, I'll check my files and if I did I'll add it another time.  

That's it for this week - next week I'm off to visit family; when I get back I hope there's a finished picture of the 2011 quilt ready to post!  Happy spring to everyone.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Sneak Peek

The 2011 "Moonlight in Vermont" quilt is complete!  We stopped in at Pat's last Wednesday and everyone there was busy perusing craft magazines and other materials collecting ideas and inspirations for new craft projects.  The quilt was neatly folded and wrapped up, but they kindly took it out so my husband, Paul, could take some photos.

Unfortunately it was hard to get a big picture of the entire quilt in the space available. There will be a picture of the top taken soon - they usually hang it from a balcony railing in Betty's house and then a full view of the whole quilt top can be seen.  But, just as a teaser, here are some pictures of the quilt taken last Wednesday 'til the "official" picture is ready -

Look at all the animals on these quilt squares!  And I love the detail on the houses - in the windows, on the roofs - everywhere!

I think everyone's individual touches are what makes this quilt so interesting and unique - not one square is exactly like the other.

I guess that makes sense - each square reflects the unique spirit of each person.

All stitched together to make one beautiful quilt!

So happy Mother's Day to any moms reading the blog today!  Next week - "Moonlight in Vermont" quilts from years past.